Quantitative Analysis
Quantitative analysis is based on describing and interpreting objects statistically and with numbers. Quantitative analysis aims to interpret the data collected for the phenomenon through numeric variables and statistics. Quantitative analysis includes computational and statistical methods of analysis.
Quantitative analysis starts with a descriptive statistical analysis phase (which can also be the goal of the process of analysis). You follow this phase with either a closer analysis, for example, of causality and correlation or the production of classifications based on the descriptive statistical analysis. You need to plan the entire process of quantitative analysis before carrying out the research because the research aims, data collection methods and data analysis influence each other.
Qualitative and quantitative analysis form a methodological pair. Qualitative analysis aims to increase the overall understanding of the quality, characteristics and meanings of the researched object or topic. There is a clearly defined difference between qualitative and quantitative analysis. You can use both strategies in one research project and investigate a single research topic with both strategies, but in different ways. While either qualitative or quantitative methods directly form the basis of most methods of analysis, a mid-way point between qualitative or quantitative methods applies to several methods of analysis. Whether or not you decide to combine qualitative and quantitative methods in one study depends on the aims of your study and your philosophical position.
Read more on quantitative analysis from the links below:
Quantitative research. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia.
Shuttleworth, Martyn. Quantitative research design. Experiment Resources.
Elementary Concepts in Statistics. Electronic Statistics Textbook. Statsoft.
Routio, Pentti, 2007. Quantitative Analysis. Arteology, the science of products and professions. The Aalto University School of Art and Design.
Read what is written in Strategies on quantitative analysis.