A questionnaire is a data collection method, in which you present a pattern of questions to a selected group of people. You can conduct a questionnaire in various ways. The aim of your research will affect the wisdom of conducting the questionnaire, the contents of the questions, and the method for selection of the respondents. Several factors in designing and conducting the questionnaire may influence the responses, in how informative they are, the response rate and the overall validity and reliability of the questionnaire. Questionnaire research requires you to find and solve any problems in a pilot format before carrying out the final questionnaire survey to collect the data. The way you formulate the questionnaire influences whether or not you can use quantitative methods of analysis or qualitative methods of analysis.
Read more on questionnaires from the links below:
Trochim, William M., 2006. Survey Research. The Research Methods Knowledge Base, 2nd Edition.
Survey Design, 2009. Creative Research Systems.
Leung, Wai-Ching, 2001. How to design a questionnaire. Student BMJ, June 2001.
Routio, Pentti, 2007. The Questionnaire. Arteology, the science of products and professions. The Aalto University School of Art and Design.
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