Causal Analysis

Causal analysis is an analysis method, which aims to explain the causal relations between variables.

Causal analysis aims to explain the causal relations between variables. If you want to indicate explicit causality, your study must include an experiment. You compare the control and treatment groups, for example, with variance analysis.  You may also use regression analysis, which measures causality in a weaker way. Regression analysis enables you to explore the influence of several variables on a single variable at the same time. Regression analysis may also focus on exploring the intensity of the influence of a single variable.

If you intend to use causal analysis you need to know the basics of quantitative and statistical methods of analysis.

Read more on causal analysis from the links below:

Regression Analysis. Wikipedia, The Free Encyclopedia.

Trochim, William M., 2006. Inferential Statistics. The Research Methods Knowledge Base, 2nd Edition.

Shuttleworth, Martyn, 2008. Correlation and Causality. Experiment Resources.

Sykes, Alan O. An Introduction to Regression Analysis. Chicago Working Paper in Law & Economics. The University of Chicago Law School. (pdf)