II Exercises on Strategies

The exercises on strategies are divided into two categories:

Exercise A applies to the student’s own discipline and research subject

Exercise B which requires either or both a broader and a theoretical discussion

II 1 A) Choose a subject matter which you find interesting to research (e.g. the subject matter of your thesis). How could the subject matter be researched?

a) empirically

b) theoretically

II 2 A) Choose a subject matter which you find interesting to research (e.g. the subject matter of your thesis). Formulate some examples on the aims (related to the chosen subject matter), which could be researched with:

a) quantitative research strategy

b) qualitative research strategy. 

II 3 A) Choose a subject matter which you find interesting to research (e.g. the subject matter of your thesis). Formulate an aim (related to the chosen subject matter) and define the subject matter in a way that the research could be made as

a) longitudinal research

b) cross-sectional research

c) a case study.

II 4 A) Choose a subject matter which you find interesting to research (e.g. the subject matter of your thesis). Get to know the strategies introduced in the outer circle of the research Strategies circle. Formulate three different aims (related to the chosen subject matter) and define the subject matter in a way that the research could be made with three of the strategies introduced in the outer circle of the figure.

II 5 B) Discuss how research practices, researcher’s philosophy of science position and possible results differ if the research is made as:

a) empirical research

b) theoretical research.

II 6 B) Discuss how the research practices, researcher position and possible results differ if the research is made as either quantitative or qualitative research.

II 7 B) Discuss the kinds of aims, in which multi-method and mixed research are reasoned. What are the positive and negative aspects related to multi-method and mixed research?

II 8 B) Discuss how the research practices, researcher’s philosophy of science position and possible results differ if the research is made as:

a) longitudinal research

b) cross-sectional research

c) a case study.

II 9 B) Discuss the problems and challenges that the passage of time causes to making longitudinal research.

II 10 B) Get to know the strategies introduced in the outer circle of the research strategies circle. Discuss which strategies, due to shared theoretical starting points or  points of reference in the philosophy of science, are:

a) similar

b) totally different.